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workorderrun [2023/03/21 06:30] – [Kur Mountains] unhandledworkorderrun [2023/10/15 03:58] (current) – [Preparation] unhandled
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 ====== The Work Order Run ====== ====== The Work Order Run ======
-==== Preparation ====+==== Intro ====
 As Work Orders are one of the biggest ways for you to make money using crafting, you'll often find yourself doing sessions of crafting and then wanting to fill all your Work Orders out at once. In the process of doing this, you'll find that you tend to daily follow the same path or a similar one that I like to call just **The Work Order Run**.  As Work Orders are one of the biggest ways for you to make money using crafting, you'll often find yourself doing sessions of crafting and then wanting to fill all your Work Orders out at once. In the process of doing this, you'll find that you tend to daily follow the same path or a similar one that I like to call just **The Work Order Run**. 
-I mostly moved all of my crafting inventory from Serbule to the Casino after getting a reasonable level of Favor there, at which point I would find myself crafting Tailoring and turning in quests there locally, but sometimes I would (for the money) do Leatherworking orders as well, which are based out of Almuna in the Ilmari Desert. I was already doing a lot of Cooking-based Work Orders for Laura Neth in the outpost in Kur Mountains (even binding here to do more of them) and occasionally doing a few at Hogan's Keep in northern Eltibule. At the same time, I would regularly check "Buy Used" tabs items for ingredients that could be used in Cooking or items that I could otherwise use for Alchemy potions at the Casino board.+{{:world_of_alharth_wo_run.png?direct&400 |}}I mostly moved all of my crafting inventory from Serbule to the Casino after getting a reasonable level of Favor there, at which point I would find myself crafting Tailoring and turning in quests there locally, but sometimes I would (for the money) do Leatherworking orders as well, which are based out of Amulna in the Ilmari Desert. I was already doing a lot of Cooking-based Work Orders for Laura Neth in the outpost in Kur Mountains (even binding here to do more of them) and occasionally doing a few at Hogan's Keep in northern Eltibule. At the same time, I would regularly check "Buy Used" tabs items for ingredients that could be used in Cooking or items that I could otherwise use for Alchemy potions at the Casino board.
 I decided to try to best document the route to take to hit up all the Work Order boards and do my daily Ice Fishing (8 hour) refreshes. I was around combat level 45 in both my skills when I mapped out the route, though I think someone who was level 35 could probably do it as long as they watched their mob aggro very carefully and they had all the right items. I decided to try to best document the route to take to hit up all the Work Order boards and do my daily Ice Fishing (8 hour) refreshes. I was around combat level 45 in both my skills when I mapped out the route, though I think someone who was level 35 could probably do it as long as they watched their mob aggro very carefully and they had all the right items.
 +I made this guide originally before Riding skill was added to the game. If you have your Riding skill at a reasonably high level (40-50), you can also try using a horse instead of speed potions, but you're going to have a hard time in Kur if you can't calm your horse during attacks. The potions are a good backup solution. Even though they won't activate while you are in combat, they can get you to a safe place quicker which matters in the cold.
 +==== Preparation ====
 To Do This Run: To Do This Run:
   * 3 Agonizing Speed Potions   * 3 Agonizing Speed Potions
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   * 2 Bottles of Water   * 2 Bottles of Water
   * Have experienced Kur at least once by following the [[kurmountains#surviving_the_cold|Surviving the Cold]] section of this wiki   * Have experienced Kur at least once by following the [[kurmountains#surviving_the_cold|Surviving the Cold]] section of this wiki
-If you have your Riding skill at a reasonably high level, you can also try using a horse instead of speed potions, but you're going to have a hard time if you can't calm your horse during attacks. 
 If done quickly enough, you will not need to use Bottles of Water in the Desert regions nor Body Heat items or buffs in Kur Mountain. In order to do it quickly you will either need Agonizing Speed potions, Bleeding Speed potions, Psychology (or other skill) Out-of-Combat Sprint speed buffs, or some combination of all of these. I would say the minimum Sprint speed to do the run safely would be +7, which you can get from Agonizing Speed alone. If you are doing the 8 hour versions of Ice Fishing which you can get to pretty easily from giving Sausages to Ukorga and scrolling to the bottom of his Training tab, you should already be getting enough daily Perch. (Farming for Fire Dust and Nightmare Flesh for all of this is another story, however) If done quickly enough, you will not need to use Bottles of Water in the Desert regions nor Body Heat items or buffs in Kur Mountain. In order to do it quickly you will either need Agonizing Speed potions, Bleeding Speed potions, Psychology (or other skill) Out-of-Combat Sprint speed buffs, or some combination of all of these. I would say the minimum Sprint speed to do the run safely would be +7, which you can get from Agonizing Speed alone. If you are doing the 8 hour versions of Ice Fishing which you can get to pretty easily from giving Sausages to Ukorga and scrolling to the bottom of his Training tab, you should already be getting enough daily Perch. (Farming for Fire Dust and Nightmare Flesh for all of this is another story, however)
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 ==== Ilmari ==== ==== Ilmari ====
 {{:ilmariworkorderrun1.jpg?400 |}} {{:ilmariworkorderrun1.jpg?400 |}}
-Once in the Ilmari desert, you will be in the north, in about the middle of the map. You will immediately start dying of thirst, so be sure to stay hydrated. In actuality, you were probably losing Hydration even in Rahu, you will see it as a bar slowly dropping just under your health and mana. Just south of you is an oasis or water source that you can run straight to. If you have an Empty Bottle you can fill up here if you want. Stay on this south path to avoid the Manicores on the other side of the hill. Keep tapping your Tab (or select Next Enemy) key to see if any Drakes are hiding under the sand as you make your way mostly south, toward the center of the map and then east toward Almuna as the hilly area flattens out and you can see a city in the distance to the west. If you see yellow prongs sticking out of the sand, keep them to a distance so you don't aggro the Manticores, because they will kill you in one hit. You do want to keep the yellow prongs mostly in sight as you head further to the south and west on your way to town, however, as they lead directly to Almuna+Once in the Ilmari desert, you will be in the north, in about the middle of the map. You will immediately start dying of thirst, so be sure to stay hydrated. In actuality, you were probably losing Hydration even in Rahu, you will see it as a bar slowly dropping just under your health and mana. Just south of you is an oasis or water source that you can run straight to. If you have an Empty Bottle you can fill up here if you want. Stay on this south path to avoid the Manicores on the other side of the hill. Keep tapping your Tab (or select Next Enemy) key to see if any Drakes are hiding under the sand as you make your way mostly south, toward the center of the map and then east toward Amulna as the hilly area flattens out and you can see a city in the distance to the west. If you see yellow prongs sticking out of the sand, keep them to a distance so you don't aggro the Manticores, because they will kill you in one hit. You do want to keep the yellow prongs mostly in sight as you head further to the south and west on your way to town, however, as they lead directly to Amulna 
 Optionally, you can go west straight out of the portal from Rahu and then head south, but this does not provide an oasis for water and there are more Grimalkin (cats) and Drakes on this side, sometimes. At around level 45-50, you'll be able to take these cats that you see in this zone pretty easily, but for your first run I would just ignore them, because you want to take advantage of the speed potion while it is still up and if you die, you lose it. Optionally, you can go west straight out of the portal from Rahu and then head south, but this does not provide an oasis for water and there are more Grimalkin (cats) and Drakes on this side, sometimes. At around level 45-50, you'll be able to take these cats that you see in this zone pretty easily, but for your first run I would just ignore them, because you want to take advantage of the speed potion while it is still up and if you die, you lose it.
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 One thing to note is that while you can also get Cactus Juice to drink or craft with here in Ilmari, they are often surrounded by or next to Drakes, and sometimes they just pop in with little warning, so be careful about which cacti you approach. Keep hitting tab or looking for nearby enemies. One thing to note is that while you can also get Cactus Juice to drink or craft with here in Ilmari, they are often surrounded by or next to Drakes, and sometimes they just pop in with little warning, so be careful about which cacti you approach. Keep hitting tab or looking for nearby enemies.
-{{ :ilmariworkorderrun2.jpg?400|}}At Almuna, drink the water you have in your inventory. You are safe from Hydration loss while in town and there is even a fountain on the eastern side behind a building where you can fill up your empty bottles. On the northwestern side of the town, there is a Work Order board and NPC to turn the quests into. You'll want to take on any Leatherworking order you can do here. There's also plenty of other NPCs here including a higher level Cooking NPC and a Dye NPC that you can sell stuff to or hit their "Buy Used" tab for decent items. In the southeast corner of the town is Kelim who can train you eventually on high level Gardening and turning cheap meats into fertilizer. Save trophy items from mobs to Favor level him up, you'll need that skill if you are doing Gardening and/or Cooking.+{{ :ilmariworkorderrun2.jpg?400|}}At Amulna, drink the water you have in your inventory. You are safe from Hydration loss while in town and there is even a fountain on the eastern side behind a building where you can fill up your empty bottles. On the northwestern side of the town, there is a Work Order board and NPC to turn the quests into. You'll want to take on any Leatherworking order you can do here. There's also plenty of other NPCs here including a higher level Cooking NPC and a Dye NPC that you can sell stuff to or hit their "Buy Used" tab for decent items. In the southeast corner of the town is Kelim who can train you eventually on high level Gardening and turning cheap meats into fertilizer. Save trophy items from mobs to Favor level him up, you'll need that skill if you are doing Gardening and/or Cooking.
-While in Almuna for the first time, make sure you check each of the NPCs and the upstairs of the buildings just so you can get a handle on who is where and see if there are any Favor Quests you can at least get from them. Avoid the wolf if you aren't a Lycan, I don't know if it will attack you or not, but in the Fae Realm, the one there does and will attack you if you get too close to him. There is also an NPC called the "Sand Seer" that is critical for Fire and Ice mages, but might also have barters normal players can take advantage of as well.+While in Amulna for the first time, make sure you check each of the NPCs and the upstairs of the buildings just so you can get a handle on who is where and see if there are any Favor Quests you can at least get from them. Avoid the wolf if you aren't a Lycan, I don't know if it will attack you or not, but in the Fae Realm, the one there does and will attack you if you get too close to him. There is also an NPC called the "Sand Seer" that is critical for Fire and Ice mages, but might also have barters normal players can take advantage of as well.
 Lastly, if you have enough Goblinese now, Urzab will talk to you at level 35 and offer training in high level Surveying and Mining skills at 50. You'll need various levels of Favor with him to get access to them. Lastly, if you have enough Goblinese now, Urzab will talk to you at level 35 and offer training in high level Surveying and Mining skills at 50. You'll need various levels of Favor with him to get access to them.
-When finished, take another potion and head out the south exit of Almuna and towards the middle of the southern border. There is an oasis with a slug in it that has fast regen along the way that you won't be able to kill solo till around combat level 65+. I often stop to kill it if I have food buffs on. You can basically head directly SE from this Oasis to get to the next portal. Don't forget to keep hitting your Tab key to watch out for Drakes. The red/fire ones will absolutely wreck you at any level. When you get to the Kur Mountain portal, decide if you want to use a Cold Resistance potion or other buffs (the first time you do this run you probably will want to so you are familiar with how to gauge direction and speed) and then proceed.+When finished, take another potion and head out the south exit of Amulna and towards the middle of the southern border. There is an oasis with a slug in it that has fast regen along the way that you won't be able to kill solo till around combat level 65+. I often stop to kill it if I have food buffs on. You can basically head directly SE from this Oasis to get to the next portal. Don't forget to keep hitting your Tab key to watch out for Drakes. The red/fire ones will absolutely wreck you at any level. When you get to the Kur Mountain portal, decide if you want to use a Cold Resistance potion or other buffs (the first time you do this run you probably will want to so you are familiar with how to gauge direction and speed) and then proceed.
 ==== Kur Mountains ==== ==== Kur Mountains ====
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 {{:kurworkorderrun.jpg?400 |}}When you first load into Kur Mountains, you'll be toward the eastern side of the zone.  {{:kurworkorderrun.jpg?400 |}}When you first load into Kur Mountains, you'll be toward the eastern side of the zone. 
-The biggest obstacle for this is going to be the huge crevasse in the land where the Yeti's home cave is, as well as all the Yetis around the area, some of which can and will stun you. You can try your best to go to the north to get around it, or you could head straight south from the portal and then go temporarily to Syndra's campfire and then around the south end of the crevasse.+The biggest obstacle for this is going to be the huge crevasse in the land where the Yeti's home cave is, as well as all the Yetis around the area, some of which can and will stun you. You can try your best to go to the north to get around it, or you could head south-southwest from the portal and even go temporarily to Syndra's campfire and then around the south end of the crevasse.
 If you don't know how campfires work, you basically click on it and load up a piece of wood. It can be anything, Oak, Maple, Cedar, whatever. If there's a piece nearby you can chop it and load it as well. I would recommend checking out the [[kurmountains#surviving_the_cold|Surviving the Cold]] section of this wiki, too, just for good measure. Once the wood is in the campfire, you will be able to recover warmth. If you don't know how campfires work, you basically click on it and load up a piece of wood. It can be anything, Oak, Maple, Cedar, whatever. If there's a piece nearby you can chop it and load it as well. I would recommend checking out the [[kurmountains#surviving_the_cold|Surviving the Cold]] section of this wiki, too, just for good measure. Once the wood is in the campfire, you will be able to recover warmth.
-You'll want to head mostly west, skirting the edge of the southern crevasse here while dodging any yetis, wolves, or sheep are along the way. Anything attacking you will slow you down because then you will be in combat. A little ways on is an animal outpost with foxes, but the crystals here will attack you so pass by it and continue up and over the hill till you get to the Kur Outpost which is 3 buildings.+You'll want to head mostly west, skirting the edge of the southern crevasse here while dodging any yetis, wolves, or sheep are along the way. Anything attacking you will slow you down because then you will be in combat. A little ways on is an animal outpost with foxes, but the crystals here will attack you so pass by it and continue up and over the hill till you get to the Kur Outpost which is 3 buildings. If you don't like the South route you can try the North, but you'll be dealing with more Yetis. Either way I'd recommend a horse and/or speed potions.
 The Work Order board in Kur is in the building with Laura Neth, Ukorga, and Landri the Cold. Food orders can be turned in with Laura herself. Gurki, in the other building, offers some storage space if you keep rare and legendary yellow eleven necklaces that you've found for her, along with Laura (food), and Ukorga (anything). The building with Gurki in it also has Council Storage. The Work Order board in Kur is in the building with Laura Neth, Ukorga, and Landri the Cold. Food orders can be turned in with Laura herself. Gurki, in the other building, offers some storage space if you keep rare and legendary yellow eleven necklaces that you've found for her, along with Laura (food), and Ukorga (anything). The building with Gurki in it also has Council Storage.
workorderrun.1679380230.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/27 19:21 (external edit)