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Even though this zone does not exist in the demo version of the game, I did want to briefly cover a few of the skills that will be introduced here. Please note this is NOT a complete listing of everything or every skill that may start being used in Eltibule (for example, I don't even talk about Alcohol Tolerance here, though one of the dungeons introduces the player to alcohol during this time). Project Gorgon is way too big for a single guide to cover every skill in depth.


At Eltibule Keep, there is a Rakshasha named Kleave that will sell you a skinning knife if you don't have one already. She'll also teach you Tanning and other Leatherworking recipes. She's pretty important if you want to get into Leatherworking early on, however you may need to go back to Serbule and kill Pigs and Tigers for a bit to get the skill up to the level of matching the things you are currently fighting at your combat level.

Corpse Talking

You can get the ability to talk to the burial mounds in this zone to learn low level skills and rare skills that you cannot learn via any other method than Corpse Talking itself. This does require level 20 in Necromancer and level 35 in Goblinese. Near Hogan's Keep up the hill to the west you will find Jumjab at his hut. He teaches this skill and will sell you the materials (Fetish Bags) you need to use it.

Below is a list of Graves, their locations, and the minimum level needed to use Corpse Talking with them:

  • Shallow Grave - Serbule Hills, Serbule, Southeast/Middle/Western parts of Eltibule - Level 1
  • Very Old Grave - Northwest/Southwest Eltibule - Level 19
  • Exposed Grave - Kur - 35
  • Ancient Exposed Grave - Kur - 43

If you are having issues finding low level burial mounds to use the skill on, you can consider going to Serbule or Serbule Hills to level off of the Graves there. Buy a few stacks of Fetish bags before you go!

Treasure Cartography

Yasinda (outside Hogan's Keep in Eltibule) teaches Treasure Cartography. I never bothered with this skill for the longest time and even after getting to a higher level I still don't think it is worth the time and effort it takes to use it, but if you like puzzles and exploration, this *is* in fact a good and easy way to get gear. It's also good for finding stuff to break down for Transmutation and Augmentation skills.

Treasure Cartography rewards a particular playstyle that I don't find fun, but you might be interested so talk to her and give it a go. There's more info on the official wiki page here.

Phases of the Moon

While this matters more for Mushroom Farming, players that are trying to get into the dungeons under Eltibule will want to learn how the statues in Eltibule work and what item to feed to them in order to uncover the Dark Chapel. I don't cover this here and would encourage following the normal gameplay and storyline to find out what to do.

I will mention briefly that there is a Lore spell or ability to determine the current Phase of the Moon in game and outside of game there is a system tray program called PgMoon that also will give you other relevant info about Moon Phases in this game.

Art and Wines Under Eltibule Keep

I'm not going to get into specifics on the Goblin Dungeon here, but I did want to mention that some of the wines and other alcohols here can be picked up and sold to Yetta for easy money early on. Also, when you do get to the point where you can do combat here relatively safely, doing “art piece” runs is a pretty common thing for mid range players that can sell the art to Sir Coth in Serbule. I figure it's worth mentioning here because a lot of players neglect Art History and it's actually a pretty good moneymaking skill.

You get the skill after saving Sarina from Algapa inside the Goblin Dungeon in Eltibule. Jesina starts the quest and will send you to various locations around Eltibule before you save her sister. You can raise your Art History initially in Serbule Crypt with the art pieces on the first floor there.

There are actually 3 different places where you can find art in the Eltibule keep. The first is in the sculpture room with the Mantises and Levaxika. The second is in the room with the Goblin Boss, Algapa. And the last place is in and on the way to the Guardian Crystal room. You will absolutely need a group to do these bosses the first few times you come here, however as your combat skills increase, you might be able to solo some of these areas. The curse from the Guardian Crystal is particularly nasty, so I wouldn't recommend soloing that boss till you know you can duo it with someone else relatively easy.


If you can make it to Hogan's Keep, there is an NPC named Mythander that will ask you to do a small mission to the Boarded up Basement to mine a gem which you can bring back and get Riding (or you can just pay Councils to get it).

Remember that you gain levels in Riding by riding TOWARD enemies or at least in sections where enemies exist, which means you have to take risks that a mob will knock you off your mount to some extent. That shouldn't be a problem for most people, but for some newer players they can easily get overwhelmed pretty fast. Still, the higher the level of the zone you are riding in, the more XP you will get, so if you can ride safely as a low level in zones like Povus, Gazluk, and Fae Realm, try to do so. Fae Realm might be the easiest way to grind Riding XP, but it's still not easy.

Casino Entrance

Remember also that there is a backdoor entrance to the Casino that requires a bit of jumping around on rocks in the SW corner of the map. This is one of my Top Ten items and one of the main reasons for making this guide.

Live Event Credits

There are Live Event Credits (also known as LEC) you can get from participating in the weekend and other Live Events that take place in the game. If you get a chance to get these, keep in mind that the most valuable items in the game for purchase in the Casino right now are probably the Fox in a Box and the Small Box of Space. While expensive, they have benefits that are great for group-based content, allowing you to sell or depo loot/items in the middle of a dungeon.

Please note there are some things that players have warned about spending LEC on like the Shoddy Music Box (it hardly ever triggers right now, which might be a bug) and unless you are a guild leader, you might not want to buy the Portal items.

eltibule.1707964659.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/15 02:37 by unhandled