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Serbule Dungeons

Serbule Sewers

When you feel like you’ve explored enough of Serbule and filled out your combat bar with skills you can consider hitting up the Serbule Sewer in Eastern Serbule. It is a portal located at the bottom of a lake, so you can follow the water line and may be able to see it from shore. Many players either do drown or nearly drown trying to get to the portal their first time. Inside you will find Spiders, Rats, Dinosaurs (Deinonychus), Slimes, and a glyph construct called Acid Sigil that will attack you. In the first main corridor turn there’s a gate that leads into the Dinosaur area that has a few loot chests and spawns for backpacks and such.

If you take two lefts in the Sewers, you will go up a pipe and eventually get to a pipe going right that will spit you out into the Serbule Crypt. You will be near Sir Arif who has holed up behind some Fire Sigils he’s created. You can attack these Sigils like any other mob. They will not fight back. If you do not destroy them, they will “blow up” when you walk over them dealing damage. Sir Arif likes any prepared food not containing fish, so you can bring some Sausages or Bacon along if you want to Favor level him to get access to some new skills.

Serbule Crypt

I don't want to spoil any of the plot or story for the game so I'm going to remain quiet on most of the stuff you do here that is plot-related, however I will say that there are three main “routes” through this crypt.

One is a short one that takes you past Sir Arif as mentioned above, on the way to Ursula, one of the bosses, which has a unique curse that will trade random items. Is also pretty annoying for a curse, though, as she randomly attacks people as well.

Another boss line path is to a Rhino and Nameless skeleton king, both fought separately, but one of which will get you the ability to transform into a Spider.

A third and final path is to the Necromancer boss, which also unlocks the Necromancer skill for you. Anyone under level 50 will probably need some assistance in killing this boss and getting the ability.

Very Effective: Crush
Good: Cold, Fire
Neutral: Piercing, Psychic, Acid, Nature
Resisted: Poison, Slashing, Trauma
Immune: Dark, Electricity (Energy Keys and Cold Elementals)
Notes: Very similar typing throughout, making it easy to expect how things will work out.

Crystal Cavern

If you have been following the main plotline of the game, you will eventually be asked to try tearing a chunk off of a crystal north of town near a body of water. I believe Velkort and Blanche have something to do with this questline, but they will eventually get you inside. Due to the poison slugs in this cave, it is recommended you have high health and/or a way to mitigate their damage. Higher level is sometimes needed to make sure you outright kill the mobs as fast as possible. Use “body pulls” where you walk close and then back away once they start chasing to kill them safely.

You will also see a lot of Mushroom boxes, Cheeses, and Liquors being stored in this cave entrance. Don't worry about it, it's something you'll get into later in the game long after you have purchased it and learned about Brewing, Cheesemaking, and Mushroom Farming.

There is a Cow mob in this dungeon that I would recommend not going up against unless you are level 15 or higher in most of your skills. If you do fail to beat it and get turned into a Cow, head back to Serbule keep and ask around in Nearby chat if someone can help you. You will “Moo” a lot while talking, but someone there will likely be able to help you or will catch on to what the problem is.

Alternatively, run around as a Cow for a bit and get it to level 20 (if you are a paid player). One reason I might recommend this, especially if you are Unarmed, is that Cow is the single most accessible animal form to get in the game because you don't have to spend money to turn into a Cow or back from a Cow to a human, and there are going to be times when you may want to switch to an animal form in order to do tasks in Animal Town or elsewhere. By being at level 20, you get access to the ability to milk yourself at level 18, and also get a nice Cheesemaking synergy skill at level 19. Also, Cow/Unarmed is a great tanking combo, so if you regularly run the game with a group of friends, consider this seriously as an option.

Brain Bug Cave

Another Cave that follows the main plot, you'll find that Commander Ferrows went missing after chasing Dalvos to this cave. For the most part, the entire cave is just undead and brain bugs. Remember brain bugs are immune to psychic damage and Commander Ferrows needs to be stunned before you can effectively damage him. If you have a stun from Shield or Unarmed, you may want to switch to it as a primary or secondary here regardless of what you are using. Sword/Psych users will struggle in this dungeon. Archers too, depending on their spec.

Carpal Tunnels

This is a decent cave for specific items, but I wouldn't recommend venturing here till you at least level 15 in most skills. It's a rough cave to solo, but reasonably good for duos or groups with a good healer. There's a room near the entrance that explains a bit more of the main plotline. Fire magic has a nice time here as many of the mobs have high health regeneration and a Fire mage will help mitigate against that. Necromancy and Ice Magic users can do pretty well here, too.

Very Effective: None
Good: Cold (minus Ice Slick), Fire
Neutral: Dark, Electricity, Piercing, Poison, Trauma
Resisted: Crushing, Nature, Slashing
Immune: Acid, Cold (Ice Slick), Psychic (Brain Bug)
Notes: Another simple dungeon in terms of typing.

Myconian Cave

This is a cave that I generally recommend coming back to even when you are high level due to the sheer ease of getting Strange Dirts and good mushrooms. I wouldn't go in here till you are level 15, though. Demo players may want to consider buying the game at the point you are capable of taking on this cave.

This is another cave some players use for Cheesemaking, Mushroom Farming, and Brewing.

Very Effective: Acid (except Spiders), Cold
Good: Crushing
Neutral: Dark, Piercing, Slashing
Resisted: Acid, Nature, Poison, Psychic
Immune: Electricity (Cold Elementals), Nature (Tidal), Poison (Slugs, Tornadoes),
        Psychic (Brain Bugs), Trauma (Tornadoes)
Notes: Other than the Bosses, the biggest threats here are the Sentry Spiders and
       the Myconians. Using Cold or avoiding Poison will keep you safe from them.
serbuledungeons.1646597889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/27 19:21 (external edit)