====== Acknowledgements ====== * The Sub Reddit site: https://www.reddit.com/r/projectgorgon/ * User notmythrowaway1990 on Reddit provided several really good items of advice like the [[https://projectgorgonguide.com/doku.php?id=graphicsbugs#stuck_bug_fix|Stuck Bug Fix]] and more. * [[https://massivelyop.com/?s=project+gorgon|MassivelyOP]] for their early game island guide to skills and their regular Gorgon coverage. * Banos, Seya, Teloch, and Bhelue for their in-game advice book. Other characters have contributed via their books as well, you can see these author names if you jump in game and look at the bookshelves in various areas -- The Library in Serbule -- for player-created books. * VeraOssentjuk offered some regular in-game advice on Gardening using "Select Next Non-Enemy" targeting and "Use Selected". * Pretty much anyone that has played the game since November of 2018 that spoke in Global has provided a number of helpful tips or hints that I'm sure have made it into this guide. * Also, special shout-out to Teloch and the Priests of Arisetsu, Rowen Trading, -- now Floof Troop -- for throwing the Poetry Jams in game on Saturdays at 2pm EDT, 1pm CDT, 12pm MT, 11am PDT. I wouldn't have ever hit level 50 in Poetry Appreciation without this event. * SausageJavelins for the Mushroom Farming tool: https://umbra-aeterna-labs.github.io/phasepharmer/ * Niph for the Moon Phase Check tool: https://github.com/dlebansais/PgMoon * Niph for the Brewing tool: https://github.com/dlebansais/PgBrewer * Niph for the Surveying tool: https://github.com/dlebansais/PgSurveyor-Disclosed * Niph for the 3rd party web tools here: https://gorgonapps.github.io/ * Niph for this brewing online tool specifically: https://gorgonapps.github.io/brew/ * Rowen Trading folks for the Surveying Tool: http://www.defenestration.co/pg/surveying/ * Tannin for: * Project Gorgon Explorer: https://www.gorgonexplorer.com/ * PG Build Planner: https://www.gorgonexplorer.com/build-planner * The Civil Merc for his awesome guide on Steam about the power of Sausages early game: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2018327933 * Tinlaar for the closest thing we have to a world map * Elder Game, LLC for making and maintaining this awesome game! [[https://projectgorgonguide.com/doku.php?id=contactauthor|Contact Me]] if you think something else should be acknowledged here.